Multi-city MassDemonstrations Needed

Arizona Rappers deliver hard hitting Immigration Protest Song

So, another generation; the great-grandchildren of King, & Evers & Chavez are on the move.  It was the artist the catapulted the injustice of southern overlords to the forefront.  Aretha sang, Mavis sang, Joan Baez, Sam Cook sang “A Change is Gonna Come”; Bob Dylan sang “The Answer is Blowin in the Wind”.  So, at the stageing ground for the next decade of chants & marches Native Americans, Negroes & Chicanos wrapped together with Mexicans, African-americans, Somalians & others, are outraging the culture clash that will culminate in what only God knows!

Extremist on both sides of the battle lines will take over.  The deplorable will ensue, ultimately.  America has headed itself down a dead-end path.  The cry of no justice has taken away all peace.  On some dust settling plain a battle ground is a preparing.  Its effect shall be unsettling to us all.

You Tube

By The Time I get to Arizona‘. The song was a protest against Arizona lawmakers who at that time steadfastly refused to go along with honoring the Martin Luther King holiday. This was 7 years after it was signed into law by President Ronald Regan who had also refused to honor him but was forced to sign the legislation into law because he was Congress had handed him a veto-proof bill.

The video was controversial because it depicted re-enactments of the harsh treatment and attacks that took place during peaceful Civil Rights demonstrations in the 60s. The video showed marchers being assaulted with high pressured fire hoses and hauled away from lunch counters during sit ins after being humiliated by white store owners who refused to serve them. These scenes were interspersed with the group’s S1Ws soldiers arming themselves and preparing to go to war. The video ends with a re-enactment of King’s assassination juxtaposed with lead rapper Chuck D delivering poisoned chocolate to the Senator of New Hampshire (who also opposed the holiday) and blowing up the car belonging to the Governor of Arizona.

Needless to say the video sent shock-waves around the country as folks suggested the group went too far and besmirched King’s non-violent philosophy by depicting acts of violence .

Fear Protest Remake

Boubacar Bah African Immigrant killed-by medical abuse in detention in New Jersey in 2007.