The World is watching as the so-called Jena-Six case evolves into America’s flashpoint incident that will cause America’s public to finally address the issue of racism in America.

The spirit of plantation paternalism is well and alive in central Louisiana. It is as if we are thrown back into a time of yesterday’s gone by. The government in Jena, Louisiana and the state of Louisiana fail to realize, that a precedent has already been set. The precedent is that Louisiana Judicial System in its entirety has refused to do the right thing in this fiasco in Jena, Louisiana.

Juvenile charges cannot be a “criminal history”. Maybe those probated juvenile court dispostions could be categorized as “juvenile history”, but that is what sets the precedent.

When a student on a campus, can be held as a juvenile, tried on adult charges, and still use the juvenile’s past history as a means to an end. This is sinisterly evil. UNEQUAL JUSTICE is all over nation, but especially so in Louisiana.

The 18th Judicial District is suspect in allowing a tragedy to occur in the conviction & subsequent sentencing of Michael Jarvis Cobb in February 2005 to 349 years in Angola State Penitentiary. The prosecutor in that case remark that the present sheriff who is running for re-election, helped put the case together on Cobb. The case included two rapes in 2001 and a rape in 2004.

Now with the subsequent revelations of a sheriff who is being civil right sued by a white relative, is indicative of the faulty law enforcement in that parish.

Just as also in LaSalle parish, fifty (50) years of a corrupt criminal justice system, has the citizens in fear to speak out about loved ones who have died suspiciously since the early 80’s and up to two years ago. One incident has it that a black man was killed, cut up and throwed in a oil field pit. A more recent incident has it where a male black family member was shot dead, under suspicious circumstances in which a deputy was present. Those persons who care greatly for their family member are in trembling fear about discussing the case.

The only equal thing about LaSalle Parish’s system is that this has been going on not just against blacks, but whites also who are not in a position to fight the system. But now since the case of Mychal Bell is at the forefront then we have an absolute opportunity to bring all inept matters to the top of the table for a very clear light of day look! So, Light of Justice shine.

The One who Sees!

And now in 2007 we have the infamous “Jena Six” case. A case which is so disgusting that what should be rights groups looking out for the “best” interest of the 6, instead they have filled their pockets & are still disrespecting our black young men now, held captive; some who have not been even arraigned as of this day 29 August 2007.

It is now such that any black man, accused of a crime against a white person, can expect to receive any where from 22 to 350 years. What then?

Every politician running for office, are put on notice, that as part of their government strategy if elected, the re-aligning of a just judicial & criminal justice system would be uppermost in all of their legislative and policy making endeavors. This is the only way a difference will be made in the situation that we now see.