
Ask yourself the question: do you really want to take another person’s life?  The current trend of events in our society, concerning the cessation of Life, by the murderous onslaught and killings occurring across all facets of community and neighborhoods, villages, towns and cities is due to some individual mental breakdown in the core value of Our Morality.

It is immoral to cause the cessation of Life.  But the “retaliative reactionary” society we live in, exacerbated through the continued death spiral of our countrymen and women involved in war and conflict across the globe has evolved in local areas.  But especially in the Middle East and the land of antiquity, the death spiral is based in spiritual belief systems that advanced the thought of; in this instance, killing an Other human being is okay, appropriate and condoned.

The collateral damage has been deemed “okay” and necessary, by Our “government” and other world governments.

In addition to this, the “psyche” of global youth has been inundated with pervasive media content, that has “glued” itself to the core thought processes of our young vunerable members of society.

The moment, however, the government became involved with “boots on the ground”; beginning with Kuwait (Desert Shield & Desert Storm) up to the Global War on Terrorism’s “9-11” invasion, returning troops brought the “spirit of the conflicts” back home.  To their communities, playgrounds and their living rooms!

And, joined globally with; video war games, music with death themes; and other degenerating nuances, we have the forms of death, murder and killing we now experience on a daily basis.

First things first, This Is First and Foremost; a spiritual battle.

With the beheadings by Isis in these foremost years, we now, have experienced a beheading in Jackson, Ms.

Monroe, Louisiana some 120 miles west of Jackson has experienced; and is experiencing the extreme uptick in the death spiral.  From the time of the “Bail-bond Office” murder in September 2015 to the last murder in July 2017, bodies have been found dead on I-20, in Apartment complexes and in formerly quiet neighborhood homes.

So, “prescribed Extreme Prayer-(for an extreme situation), first; Committed Constancy to action secondly and finally unyeilding presence from all available actors-(those willing to Act=taken action), by the means necessary.”

All available resources, from “Quash the Beef” to “Smart N’ Up” , Conflict Resolution to Restorative Justice.

It is my intent to contact Church Pastors in South Monroe, Louisiana; bordered by I-20, US165 and the Ouachita River.  Any Church or Mosque or Temple, (specfically 24 in number) are to be requested to pray one-hour, for the “cessation of the death spiral” !! It will take commitment. Yours.  

In addition, churches that are able, are requested, to get on a corner, in the streets and preach salvation!  Be prepared to in-take, refer or apply available resources.  No doubt there will be “border churches”.  If you are not in the so defined geographical area, apply your expertise, by joining with the church of your choice. 

But most definitely: We need 24 Churches in South Monroe to go in “On this Round the Clock Prayer” — Pastor, appoint some one in your church to pray one hour, if it takes three praying 20 minutes each, we got to get this done!  


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